MSFS Bronco USAF 67-14687 European 1 scheme

MSFS Bronco USAF 67-14687 European 1 scheme

Freware Ariebaba OV-10 Bronco is needed.


This repaint shows OV-10A Bronco AF 67-14687 with serial 305A-95. The aircraft of 601st Tactical Control Wing, 20th Tactical Air Support Sqadron shows the European 1 paint scheme of the year 1980 and was based at Sembach AFB/Germany.


This Bronco joined NASA in 1991 as NASA 524, later N524NA. It was de-registered on 18 February 2015.


Please note

Rivets and stencils included, reworked composite and normal textures.



Unzip and move it to your MSFS Community folder. Enjoy!



This repaint is freeware; you may use and modify it as you wish for your own use. It may not be used or sold for commercial purposes, nor published on any website that charges for downloading either directly or through a membership fee. If you want to publish repaints based on it, you need written permission from the author.


Thomas Roehl,
October 2023

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