1964 C336 G1000 Trainer with Cargo Pack Option

1964 C336 G1000 Trainer with Cargo Pack Option

This 1964 Cessna 336 Skymaster Enhanced G-1000 Twin-Trainer Project, stems from the development of Mike Stone’s C337 Super Skymaster, to a 336 Skymaster, the predicator of the Super Skymaster, that flew with fixed landing gear and a lower rated set of Continental Engines. Expanding on the Cherokee 160C G-1000 Trainer, the desire to cross the state of Pennsylvania a bit quicker, the old C337 Super Skymaster G-1000 came to mind, an airplane I tried to master and had little success. I saw a nice panel for the C337 in FS2004 by Michael Gurezka and a texture that I liked by Gregory Paul, and then I wondered if a non-complex C336 could be done based entirely on the Mike Stone Super Skymaster?  What you see attached is a modernized late ’70’s Skymaster with the Enhanced G-1000 by SCUMARI Tec 2013. This version has the Cessna Cargo Pack option for your weight and balance load calculations.   A project by Ronald Prindle

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