Tenkuu Developers Studio – BOEING 737MAXV3 -7/8/9 P3DV4 and FSX model for problem on Windows11 24H2
FSX/P3DV4 models and Option setting panels.
How to install.
1.Repalce the MDL file … then can have the wings back
Also fix the model.cfg to match the MDL file name .
2.install the Option setting panels for setting options before flight.
Open panel.cfg and add lines to [Window titles]
Add panel to [windowXX] section
And copy the TDS_B3_OptionMenu folder to the panel folder of the plane’s panel folder
See example to understand
How to use.
Once the aircraft is loaded to the sim, open the installed option setting panel.
And set the option .
Original title= line is shown under so just match that.
Then can have the correct option .
The root of this Windows 11 24H2 problem is MICROSOFT DESTROYED some of the string functions in xml.
Can’t use word search and also can’t even get a character correct after the 8th letter.
(“sstr” and “symb” function is not working , also upper case lower case as well.)
From the reports no problem at FS2004.
There is so much options to set but now we lost the way to make it read.
So to make it use under this crazy situation Microsoft made.
Thinked well and use this way.
Instead of make read those options by XML , do those by human hand.
Copyright 2025/01/28
Hiroshi Igami