FS2Crew for the Leonardo MD-82 Maddog (MSFS) — Released

FS2Crew for the Leonardo MD-82 Maddog (MSFS) — Released

FS2Crew is proud to announce that FS2Crew for the Leonardo Maddog (MSFS) has been released.

FS2Crew is an advanced crew simulation (voice and button control) that allows users to fly their Maddog for MSFS in a more immersive, deeper and realistic way.

Concurrent with this release, the FS2Crew product line for MSFS has been updated. Updates have been released for Pushback Express (MSFS), FS2Crew CRJ (MSFS), FS2Crew FBW A32NX (MSFS), and RAAS (MSFS).

Visit www.fs2crew.com for more information and to view the Change Logs.

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