MSFS Asobo G21 Goose Emma Field

MSFS Asobo G21 Goose Emma Field

Community request for the repaint of the default Asobo/Inibuilds G21 Goose in the livery of the Emma Field Flying Club.    Emma Field was a fictional airfield in the mountains in Washington State, named after creator Mathijs Kok’s daughter, and was released in 2004 for FS9.  Along with the release of Emma Field scenery, the Emma Field Flying Club was started as a meeting point for virtual pilots to share their hobby. Simon Stansfield released Emma Field Flying Club liveries for many aircraft types including the Goose.  This livery is to celebrate Emma Field and the Emma Field Flying Club for those who enjoy a trip down memory lane.

Livery design to replicate the goose livery originally created by Simon Stansfield.

4k textures.


Click here to check out my other liveries



Copy folder starting with 2 to your community folder.

To enhance your experience with the default Goose G21 I recommend you install some additional mods that make the default Goose much better to fly.  See details in Readme_Me_1st.pdf included with the livery.



Refer to Readme_Me_1st.pdf included with upload.


My liveries will always be available for free.  But if you want to support my work and encourage me to keep creating content for MSFS you can make a donation.

Click here to donate



You can contact me by sending me a personal message on the site where you downloaded this file. Alternately you can contact me by messaging BilingualHarp7 on the MSFS forums OR by messaging Crispy136 on Discord.



These repaints are provided free of change and are not to be repurposed for inclusion with any commercial package or uploaded to any site without my permission. The use of the downloaded repaints is done at your own discretion and risk and with agreement that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from such activities.


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